Kayak Canoe Alabama

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Apalachee River to Causeway 2005 LXXXII

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I was able to start a little earlier today at 4:27 PM, as I took the afternoon off to attend the McDuff Trail Dedication in Daphne. The conditions were ideal, with a slight but dying northerly breeze, 65 degrees and low tide, just barely starting to rise.

I was pretty pumped up and hit it pretty hard, with a 7:35 to the turnaround and 14:54 back past the parking lot. The fishing must be good as there were alot of people out along the Causeway giving it a go. I breezed by on the way to the bridge turnaround, making sure to make a wide berth north to stay out of the shallows. The strategy worked as I made the turn in 32:27. The way back was much faster as I cruised in for a total time of 49:05, one of my faster times all year. The conditions were great, the sunset was beatiful and my mood was lifted after enjoying the dedication events earlier in the afternoon.


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