Kayak Canoe Alabama

Friday, December 09, 2005

Apalachee River to Causeway 2005 XC

Thursday, December 8, 2005 brint.adams@us.army.mil

Conditions at 4:30 PM were pretty good with overcast skies, 60 degrees, 10 mph easterly breeze, medium pool depth and a slowly rising tide. I got a late start as I had to go retrieve a paddle, so tried to push hard to get back before it got too dark. The chop was not much of a factor, so I was able to keep a good pace throughout the whole course. By the time I got back it was well after dark, but the glow of the lights along the Causeway kept me on course, without running into anything. My overall time was an average 50:00. Just as I was loading up, the sky started to open up and I was glad to not have to paddle both in the dark and rain.


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