Kayak Canoe Alabama

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Apalachee River to Causeway 2005 XXXIV

Thursday, May 26, 2005 brint.adams@us.army.mil

The heat broke a little today, so when Roland and I arrived at 5:00 PM at Riverdocs, the temperature was only 82 degrees with the same westerly breeze, high water and a falling tide. With Roland along for extra incentive and the lower temperature, we started off at a very good pace, arriving at the Apalachee River in 6:20.

On the way back , I tucked in along the south bank, trying to stay out of the current, while Roland was out in the middle steadily falling behind. Once he figured it out, Roland came over and followed behind me, as we passed the parking lot in 15:45. We continued to stay fairly close to the south shore along the Causeway, although it was getting a little too shallow for me. I ended up making the bridges turn in 33:00 (2:09 faster than Tuesday) with Roland about 30 seconds back.

After a very short break, Roland started back, but with the water level high, he cut north away from the bridge, and straight back across the middle of the bay, rather than south along the shore. I stayed south, thinking I could still get a straight line and not lose too much time. Well, Roland was obviously feeling better today, pushed it very hard and when I passed the drainage culverts and we started to come closer to the same line, he was still slightly ahead. As we hit the homestretch at full speed, Roland actually started to pull a little further ahead of me, which was a little surprising. I finished in a total of 49:35, with Roland about five seconds ahead on the last leg. It was a great workout on a great afternoon.


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