Kayak Canoe Alabama

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bay Minette Creek 8 mi.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 brint.adams@us.army.mil

On a beautiful afternoon, my son Bob and I headed for the Bromley Bridge on upper Bay Minette Creek to get on the water. It was sunny and 76 degrees with a full pool and very little current movement. Bob decided to give my Glider a try, so I knew I was going to be in for a good workout trying to keep up with him.

We started out easily, paddling under tai tai heavy with blooms. We saw an occasional White Egret, GBH and a pair of Wood Ducks leading around the early s-turns. Linda asked us to keep an eye out for mountain laurel, which we found in the early blooming stages across the creek from the group of several houses. I stopped for a second to pick a branch, to take back to prove we had seen them.

Due to our time constraint, we went for the eight mile course. We turned in to a side branch to see a small beaver dam, which was almost submerged due to the high water.

On the return, I picked up the pace and Bob decided to eventually pass me and take a solid lead. Our last few mile splits were in the 10:30 range, as we finished in a total of 1:46.


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