Kayak Canoe Alabama

Monday, March 27, 2006

Fly Creek and Rock Creek

Monday, March 27, 2006 brint.adams@us.army.mil

Linda and I are off paddling today with our son, Bob, who is back from Kuwait on leave. The day was beautifully sunny, 64 degrees with a southerly breeze. We put in our canoe at the Fairhope Yacht Club beach and first paddled leisurely up Fly Creek. You start out passing through the marina with all of the large yachts and sailboats, some of which were being cleaned and repaired following Hurricane Katrina. Spring flowers were out in abundance including wild blue flag and many azaleas planted along the shore in resident's backyards. We made it up to the Scenic Hwy 98 bridge (about one mile) before returning to Mobile Bay and turning north along the shore.

We saw a great deal of erosion from the hurricane, some of which waterfront owners were in the process of trying to repair. All of the piers out into the bay to the covered gazebos and boathouses were damaged in some way or completely destroyed. About a half mile up the bay, we turned into Rock Creek and followed it up to the Scenic 98 bridge as well. There were a few tame mallards hanging around to greet us.

Once back to the bay, the wind picked up considerably, giving us a strenuous workout on the return. The overall trip was 4.5 miles, which took 1.5 hours to paddle. We followed up the paddle with a relaxing picnic lunch a mile down the bay in the Fairhope Municipal Park.


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