Kayak Canoe Alabama

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Apalachee River to Tensaw River 2006 XXII

Thursday, March 23, 2006 brint.adams@us.army.mil

Tonight was almost identical to last Tuesday, with not quite the wind speed blowing in from the northwest. Roland and I put in around 5:10 PM, and set off down Pass Picada with the falling tide pushing us along. We reached the Apalachee River turnaround in 7:17 and started back west. My mile splits were 10:18, 10:36 and 10:35, which were a little better, but still tough going out in the open bay. Roland followed, opting for his plastic boat due to the meaner chop.

Once I reached the Tensaw River, the water was quite confused and difficult to turn around in. After a wide loop and waiting on Roland, we started back with splits of 9:51, 9:51 and a total finish time of 1:00:28. It was much more consistent and felt alot better than the fight of two nights ago.


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