Kayak Canoe Alabama

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Fish River

Sunday, February 5, 2006 brint.adams@us.army.mil

This afternoon was a sunny 55 degree gorgeous day for a paddle on the lower section of Fish River. A large group of club paddlers met at the parking lot and launch area on the west side of the Hwy 98 bridge over the mouth of the Fish River into Weeks Bay. We started out with two canoes and several kayaks and were joined later by another four kayaks.

We started out heading north on the river and were immediately greeted by many Cormorants and Pelicans and even a Loon out fishing while several Great Blue Herons walked the shoreline. There were also Osprey and Vultures circling around overhead.

After passing two small islands with dozens of Cormorants sitting in the trees, we turned up Waterhole Branch on the west or north side, following it up as far as we could go. On the return, we also explored Turkey Branch, also on the west side. This was where the second group of kayakers caught up with us and we all headed back out and down the Fish back to Weeks Bay.

This was a nice lazy paddle of about eight miles, just right for getting everyone ready to go back and watch the Super Bowl festivities.


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