Kayak Canoe Alabama

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Apalachee River to Tensaw River 2006 XXV

Thursday, March 30, 2006 brint.adams@us.army.mil

After a few days of vacation with our son, Bob, it was back to work today, followed by the normal Thursday workout routine. I started out at Riverdocs at 5:15 PM with mild conditions, 72 degrees, cloudy, a 10 knot southeasterly breeze with a medium water level and falling tide. Nothing remarkable was going on, no outdoor bands playing, just a few lazy coots out on the water, not wanting to fly far if they didn't have to.

My split east was 6:33 and mile splits west were 11:10, 10:28 and 8:30. On the return east, I paddled 11:02 and 9:15 for a six mile total of 58:52 at 6.1 mph.


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