Kayak Canoe Alabama

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Apalachee River to Tensaw River 2006 XXVI

Sunday, April 2, 2006 brint.adams@us.army.mil

I was surprised this morning, coming off of the hill out of Spanish Fort to see a fogbank hanging over the bay. At 9:15 AM, the visibility was starting to clear, but still only about a half mile. The temperature was a mild 72 degrees, calm wind with a rising tide. After a hard workout yesterday, I wanted to back off just a little as I started out.

The current was running pretty fast, so my speed down Pass Picada was fast, reaching the Apalachee turn in only 9:02. On the way back past the parking lot, my time was still a fairly slow 15:35. Interestingly, on the way west on Pass Picada, an 8 foot gator was slowly crossing from north to south off in front of me. By the time I reached him, I was on a collision course and he wasn't going to submerge. So, I changed course towards his rear and barely missed running over his tail. He must have just come out of his winters sleep and wasn't thinking very clearly, as he finally decided to submerge long after I had passed him.

My splits on the way west were 8:22, 9:09 and 10:37. The sun still had not broken through the foggy cloud cover which suited me just fine. On the return I hit 9:11, 10:28 and finished with a 59:15 at 6.1 mph, which was surprising fast, since I tried to reduce the workout effort to about 85%.


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