Kayak Canoe Alabama

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bay Minette Creek - 10 mi.

Sunday, April 9, 2006 brint.adams@us.army.mil

This morning was still very windy out on the bay, so I went for Bay Minette to concentrate more on form and not fight the chop. It cooled off nicely to where at 8:30 AM it was 54 degrees, sunny with a north wind, which did not affect me except for miles six and seven. The water level was pretty low and rising. Once I got started, it was obvious the mountain laurel were peaking. Within the first mile, the shorelines were ablaze with pink and white blossoms.

The morning was so beautiful, there were probably a dozen fishermen out working their favorite hidden spots. I breezed by quietly through the tight s-turns in the first mile and as the creek widened and straightened out in miles four and five, the breeze at my back was a thankful push. On the way downstream, my mile splits were 9:24, 9:24, 9:14, 9:48 and 9:43.

The return was into the wind in miles six and seven with splits of 10:27, 10:35, 10:00, 9:34 and 10:12 for total ten mile time of 1:38:25. This was a true time, with no watch stops for water breaks. After the weeklong break from paddling, I was glad to see I had not lost any speed or endurance yet, heading into the upcoming race.


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