Kayak Canoe Alabama

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Apalachee River to Tensaw River 2006 III

Thursday, January 12, 2006 brint.adams@us.army.mil

The conditions improved somewhat from Tuesday, as the temperature was 65 degrees with very low wind and a more slowly rising tide at 4:30 PM. The skies were partly cloudy, so we still had some light as we started out with the setting sun. Roland was there also to give me a little extra inspiration as well.

We started off at a spirited pace into the current and past the Oyster House, started to fill up for happy hour. The water was very flat, so we were able to make the turn at the Apalachee River in 8:45 and back to the parking lot in 6:15. Roland was a little off his game tonight, maybe still affected by the cold 36 degree workout last Saturday. He was not able to stay even as we passed along the Causeway and went for the turnaround of the new six mile course at the Tensaw River. My mile splits were 8:03, 9:09 and 10:45 as we paddled with the current to heading into it in the last mile. Roland came in about a minute later, where we took a quick drink, turned and hit it hard on the return.

On the return, my mile splits were 8:44 and then 10:21 after we passed the Causeway culverts. I hit the finish line in 58:19, while Roland came in about 0:45 later. The conditions were good for a 1:05 improvement over Tuesday's paddle.


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