Kayak Canoe Alabama

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Apalachee River to Causeway 2005 XCVI

Saturday, December 31, 2005 brint.adams@us.army.mil

This morning was foggy until noon, so I decided to go out and see what it was like later in the morning. When I put in at 10:15 AM, the Causeway was still socked in with about 0.25 mi. visibility, 60 degrees and calm. The water level was very low and still dropping. There was alot of activity with duck hunters coming off the water and a couple of new kayakers just getting on.

I decided to do the new 6 mi. course again this morning, getting off to a good start down Pass Picada. There were fishermen both along the shore and on the water as I cruised by on the way to the Apalachee. I turned in 6:37 and back past the launch area in 8:02. I was close enough to the shore the whole way to not lose sight of it, but forward vision was reduced as the Causeway and numerous fishermen finally came into view. The water level was low enough, it was hard to avoid the muddy shallows, so I cut straight down to the bridges to get into deeper water as soon as I could. Once there, the falling tide helped me get back up to 7.2 mph, as I made the turn at the Tensaw River in 36:04.

On the return, it was slow going at 5.5 mph again, until I got to the Causeway culverts, where the tide direction changes and was able to sprint in the final 0.75 mi. at 6.6 mph. The total time was a better 58:34, still at 6.1 mph for the whole workout.


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