Kayak Canoe Alabama

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Fairhope Beach - Mobile Bay

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 brint.adams@us.army.mil

It was such a beautiful day, we took Brad & Misha for lunch to the Fairhope Municipal Pier and the beach just to the north. We brought both kayaks along so I could do a workout and Brad could paddle around by the pier. At 11:45 AM, it was already 65 degrees, mostly sunny and about a 10 mph southwesterly breeze.

I started out heading north along the shoreline, but had to move out about 200 meters to get into a little deeper water. The tide was still falling just a bit, which created about a one foot chop. On the way up, I used it to ride my way along the rear quartering waves. The first mile mark came as I passed the Fairhope Yacht Club in 10:02. The second mile was out from the big red bluff adding another 9:46. The third mile to my turnaround point was about a half mile before the first big point, which I did in 9:42.

There was no boat traffic to speak of, but I did come across a group of about 15 cormorant who were busily fishing and didn't seem to even notice me. On the return, it was a little tougher go as I turned in mile splits of 10:34, 10:25 and 10:52 for a total six mile trip of 1:01:27 at 5.9 mph. It was good to get in some varied water conditions, so as not just paddle perfectly calm water all of the time.


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